Our expertise will support your clients
Into Our Hands can assist with knowledge and resources to help you provide clear advice and tailored giving options to your clients.

- We have successfully managed and distributed over $1 million in funding to more than 100 non-profit organisations and community charities since 2012.
- Our structures allow for donor advised named funds, bequests and general gifts, suiting all donor types and giving them a say over their charitable gifts and the issues they support.
- We have tax deductible and non-deductible giving options.
- We have the flexibility to support your client’s giving interests and assist them to find a giving structure to align with their values.
- We can support you to develop your philanthropy expertise to advise clients about charitable giving options, no matter their situation.
- We offer training, webinars and resources to help local professional advisers grow the culture of giving in North East Victoria.
- You can provide your clients with trusted, well governed and local giving options that will support your region and community.
- To learn more about the case for giving in North East Victoria, visit Our Prosperity Realised.
- To learn more about the giving pathways and options with Into Our Hands, visit Support your community.
Into Our Hands can offer clients
- Relationships & Expertise.
Strong relationships with many community organisations and locally based charities in North East Victoria. Advice about how best to support the areas in the community they choose. - Personalisation.
The unique option to create your client’s own sub-fund with transparent reporting of all gifts & donations. Self care-taking of funds. All donations to Into Our Hands are invested in perpetuity so they can continue to benefit the community well into the future. - Witness Your Impact.
A sense of impact and agency around philanthropy. Giving to the local community allows donors to witness the impact of their gift and have confidence in the difference their giving can make. - Flexibility.
Flexibility to support the specific fund, cause or local charitable organisations of choice. Flexible options (both tax deductible and non deductible) to help your clients as part of their larger estate, wealth and tax planning. - Public or Private.
Anonymity or recognition, depending on your client’s preference. Funds can have a public giving profile or be completely private. - Fast tracked donations.
A streamlined process. Expertise in fast tracking donations to get funds into the community quicker in times of crisis.
Donations to Into Our Hands are investments in our community’s future.
Our Funds
All donations to Into Our Hands are invested in perpetuity so they can continue to benefit the community well into the future.
We have multiple funds operating to support a diverse range of needs in the community. Donors can set up their own fund, or direct their gift to one of our existing funds they want to support.
Donor Stories
The Giving Potential in North East Victoria
Jack Herry – GIVE Wangaratta Donor